Introduction To YoungPreneur

All businesses start from the same point: an Idea. It is what happens to that ‘idea’ that determines business success.
The question I ask at every opportunity I get to converse with individuals or groups and my virtual audience is: WHO ARE YOU WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING AND WHAT ARE YOU HERE TO DO ON EARTH’S SPHERE? As we are thronged through the reality of life; as demands of all sorts are thrown at us, by virtue of responsibilities we have grown into or adopted based on prevailing circumstances, it is pertinent that a career path is chosen and sustained to a greater part.
The reasons for starting a business are many. Some people dream of being their own boss; of turning their hobby into a profitable enterprise, of expressing their creativity, or of being richly rewarded for their hard work. Although Walt Disney’s maxim “if you can dream it, you can do it” holds true for some, pursuing the dream is risky.
“Starting a business or journeying in the path of entrepreneurship is risky but it’s more dangerous to sit in your comfort zone”..
So Kelzy, How Do I Journey The Path Of Entrepreneurship?
Everything begins with the right mindset.
The greatest principle ever discovered, which underlines all religion, psychology, and philosophy, is, “You become what you think about most of the time.”
An army of sheep led by a lion will always defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as the weak, untalented, pitied, feeble, and underdeveloped (with no potential)?
Let me share a short story with you. My brother is super super talented. He can draw, paint, he's a calligrapher, organize (just to mention a few). People used to make fun of me and that made me to shrink inside and lock up on the inside. But one day, I made up my mind to discover me (boom! A paradigm shift) and I started looking ‘within’. I discovered I could Write and Speak passionately, from that day (2017) till date, my life turned for good. I pray that today will also be your ‘One day of self discovery’.
2. Connect To The Source:
In life your source matters a lot, because your source also determines your sustenance. The first step to fulfilling your reason for existence is realizing that you have been given a purpose/potential. Yet how exactly do you receive, recognize, and ACTivate your Purpose? When you understand the source of purpose, you will learn the secrets to it’s origin and working in your life. This knowledge will help you take your dream from initial idea all the way to fulfillment.
Ecclesiastes 3:10 says. “I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it".
3. Burden:
”The word “burden” in the Hebrew could actually be translated as “a heavy responsibility,” “occupation,” or “task.”. It could also be described as a “responsible urge.” Whether you’re fifteen, twenty, sixty, or ninety years old, there is a burden within you, a “responsible urge” to carry out all that you were designed to do. It is a cry of the heart— a cry of purpose that says, “I was born to do something that I must fulfill”.
That feeling, longing, or burden comes from God. God has placed a “responsible urge” on your heart because of His purpose for you.
Take ACTions Now:
I wrote recently on my Facebook wall- one day your head will explode because of the many things you knew but ‘never’ took actions. The only difference between you and that millionaire you watch daily on YouTube is they’ve discovered themselves and they have started ‘serving’ humanity. Let me shock you— “YouTube’s top earner is a 7 year old boy; he earns $22 billion per year.
”I got my first speaking engagement through Facebook. It’s time to be intentional about life and set your priorities right.
-Set Priorities On Everything You Do: One of the ways to set priorities is to simplify your life. And one of the best ways to simplify your life is to reorganize your life according to priorities. Realize and admit to yourself that most of the things you do have no or low value. By setting priorities, you focus more and more of your time on doing those few things that really make a difference in your life. The most important thing in life and leadership is to know what you are supposed to do. Any activity that we undertake consume our time, talents, efforts, energy, and life. What we do, therefore, determines who we are and what we become. True leaders have a clear sense of what they need to do. The key to this ability is applying the principle of priority.

Decide to discover you so you can Rule. Look Within and Birth those dormant gifts and potentials. Stop playing the blame game. Stop telling people all your problems so they can pity you. Decide to create something. Stop blaming your parents, environment or challenges and take responsibility for your life.
This is my watchword: When life throw challenges at you bring them in and use them as firewood to keep the Vision and Passion Burning.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will loose your tongue, and cause your voice to be heard in your generation in Jesus name. Amen!
Onyekwelu Kenechukwu Kelzy [Kelzy_inspires] Leadership_Consultant| ACTivational Speaker| Entrepreneur
ACTivating Potentials and Inspiring You To Strategic ACTions. (I’ll love to help guide you through the journey of You-Discovery and Launch You to your APEX)
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I am a Leadership/Business Coach and an ACTivational Speaker; through SPEAKING I Inspire, Motivate and Activate my audience and launch them into their APEX.