How To Get The Best Of Mentorship.
It's possible to have a mentor and not get the best of mentorship. So here are the few ways I know you can get the best of mentorship...
Don't be a Parasite, Add Value: Mentors are humans, they have needs too, they have flaws. The worst mistake you can ever make as a mentee is to assume your mentor is a superhuman. Find out the areas they need help and contribute your little. Never skip their important days, like their birthday, marriage anniversary, their children's Birthday or events hosted by them. Buy gifts for them, as little as they may be, it goes a long way. Let them know you appreciate them. Don't just sap their knowledge and leave. Don't be selfish. Be ready to render help when they need it. They are observing trust me.
Give Them Time: To reap fruits out of anything worthwhile, you must sow and be patient. Adding value to them is sowing and trust me sowing never ends. Adding value is continuous, never be weary doing that. Reaping takes time. They won't just begin to trust you overnight. It takes time. You have to prove that you are trustworthy and reliable. So if you want to get the best of mentorship, you must be patient! It may take a year or two or 6 months. Just give it time, with the right seed, you'll definitely reap the right fruits.
This is what works generally. It's your duty to find out what interests your mentor personally and get involved. I know you might be asking, 'why do I need to do all this?'. Well, I personally believe that there are a lot of things to learn and understand from a mentor asides the specific reason you need them. There's a lot of wisdom that comes from being close to an experienced and more knowledgeable person in your life. You turn out wiser, you turn out better. Unfortunately, most young persons don't want to serve and learn this way. That's the aim of this series. To help you appreciate this way of learning and becoming..
Thanks for your time. I'm sure it wasn't wasted and I know you got a lot of value! Please comment and share for more persons to read and learn. I Love You..
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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.