What Mentor-Ship Really Means.
Today we'll do a brief talk on the topic, "mentorship". In Christian circles, we like "christianese" a lot, so most times mentorship is redefined as "Paa'pa" & "Maa'ma", for those who are unfamiliar with these terms, these are mostly (s)elected leaders(in fellowships) who directly/indirectly mentor a lot of "youngins", most times these ones need mentorship more than their mentees but it's no fault of theirs really, because leadership happened and they'll have to lead.
Mentorship requires Wisdom (Hebrews 5:4), experience & a wide spectrum of knowledge. One of the biggest challenges of a mentor is moulding a (wo)man after his/her image & likeness, this can be a curse & a blessing. The ability to lead someone into fulfilling destiny and wisely directing this person especially when their path/pattern & yours are not the same is a rare gift.
A mentor needs to understand that not all their experiences are tailored guidelines for the follower.
Mentors are vision bearers, they are saddled with the mandate of discovering potential, redirecting followers to see these things and setting them on the track of achievement.
Meanwhile mentorship is deliberate action, you can mentor by proxy but it's not ideal, mentorship is responsibility, either from the mentor (that's when s(he) is aware) or from the mentee who takes responsibility by following practical principles as they walk in the shoes of this person. In summary it's not a process based on just feelings; You only carry out tasks when you feel inspired? dear friend, inspiration is mostly sought for, so you need discipline.
Today's world however, has given everyone the same opportunity of leadership/mentorship and that's one of the sad sides of technology, the media is a powerful tool, so you have to watch the content you consume out there. Someone once said that the love for attention is currently the root of all evil, people live and breathe on likes and shares on social media and this pressure to appeal to a particular crowd easily sets us up for a fall. There are so many caterpillars that claim they are butterflies already, avoid them, be intentional with your time, discover the purpose for your life, groom them and grow at your pace, do not be so quick to gain followers on and offline, put in discipline and the value you create will attract true seekers and with God's help you'll lead them right.
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Human. Social commentator Blogger/Writer Crusader for sustaining family values. Believer.