The Lies They Told You

The Lies They Told You
May 8th 2019 by Crystal

Dear young person; It’s so sad to tell you things I’ve experienced and the lies that came with them. I was made to believe in the ‘NOW’; I was programmed to never have foresight right from childbirth. Most times I was already in the mess before I learned the lesson I should have learned from an older person. As I kept growing and maturing in Christ Jesus I found out they were all lies!.

Lies that screamed low-self esteem.. Lies that planted insecurities and incapability in my head. Lies of our environment being a limitation for where we want to be. Lies that you are your past. Lies that I am not and will never be enough.

The Bible tells us that, “the devil is the father of all lies” so I tell you that if you’ve been a victim of all those mentioned above and more I’m glad to tell you that they are not true!!

Dear young person, You are enough. You are strong. You are more than your environment. You are better than your past. You are not what or who people say you are; not even your parents. You are not confined! You are unlimited!

I know strongly that this is for someone, so please share this post so someone can be liberated. God bless you!

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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.
