3 Steps To Living An Impactful Life.
I see a lot of young people leaving life to chance. Taking life as it comes. This approach to life is one that should be killed instantly. This is not a way of life approved by God if we, as young people, must change the cause of things in our family, environment and the world at large. I know this because no great person ever became great leaving their life to chance. None! So as a result of this I came up with 3 steps that will help you live life intentionally.
Incubate A Vision: Don't just be a regular girl/guy that is waiting to finish school, maybe enroll in Masters or find a job, marry then have kids and life ends. Become intentional. In my opinion, every young person should live for something, a vision , a dream, a passion, a purpose. I advocate for a vision or dream that triggers solutions to many problems in the world now. There are too many problems in the world now that need solutions. This will make you not to accept any kind of offer that will be a detriment to your big dream and vision. This will help streamline your association, your lifestyle and conduct too. This for me is the first step to becoming great in life. I had a vision to start blogging at age 20. I didn't know how to start it, I just knew I had to start something. Follow me to the next point..
Start Planning: Begin to pen down how you want your vision to materialize. Make calls, research, ask questions then draw the plan. This is the stage you will actually know who your friends are. In this stage, just pen down all you have seen. Back to my story; so I began to ask questions concerning blogging, what it takes to own a blog, what I should know before starting a blog. So I made contacts with a web developer I knew. NOTE: I didn't have a penny to my name, I didn't have anyone to borrow from either because I won't be able to pay. I didn't have a smartphone or laptop at the time. This will bring me to the last point..
Execute Those Plans: In this stage you will have to believe God. For strategic connections. For supportive friends. You must be accountable to someone you trust. You just have to start. Excuses are dream killers no doubt. It must not be perfect. No funds? Just ask how much it will take and start. It sounds crazy but the only way is to START! Back to my story; I told the web developer guy to start building the website. Long story cut short, the first post I uploaded on T.Y.B was done at a computer center close my house. Two years later, here we are, better, and still pushing for the best.
This list may sound easy but for continuous impact, you will have to keep applying these steps till you die. Yes. It doesn't end in execution because there's always need for improvement and excellence. You must strive to keep getting better every time.
I hope this inspires you to ignore excuses, limitations and negative comments. T.Y.B is still here because I didn't give room for any of the above listed. Here's more like a gift from me to you as concerning success and impact. A book you should read and thank me later for. Click HERE. You are welcome!
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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.