Identity II

Identity II
Jan 20th 2021 by Ojei Favour (The Gospel Writer)


Life has a way of asking us questions at different stages of our lives and the answers we provide to life's questions determines a lot in the outcome of our lives and personal achievements. One of the major questions we have to answer is, WHO ARE YOU?

Are you what your parents have tagged you? Are you what culture/tradition or stereotypes have called you? Are you your past experience or your past mistake? or Are you your achievements?

Who exactly are you? The inability of individuals to answers to this important question has resulted to failure, depression and retarded growth. It has caused many to miss great opportunities and has been one of the greatest cause of inferiority complex.


However, as new man in Christ, your cases is different. You are defined by God's word, Your Identity is your Reality in Christ.

Your life has found a new meaning and you belong to the Creator himself. You should not be confused about who you are.

You are a child of God

Your sins are forgiven

You are Sanctified

You are empowered

You are blessed

You are forgiven

You are loved

You have Dominion .

You are redeemed

You are accepted

The World systems cannot define youThe Jesus you believe in is far greater, your past experiences are passed away and your past achievements will soon be replaced with greater ones. Stereotypes, Culture and Tradition cannot define you because you now belong to the only eternal and largest family and tribe the world will ever know both here on earth and in heaven after we have slept from here. You have the supernatural DNA of your Father right in you. It runs in your blood streams forever more!

2Cor.5.17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Our Identity is our Realities in Christ, and for this to be in our consciousness and subconscious mind, we have to always declare it and say it often. You are who God says you are!

This is your Identity! Accept no other. You are loved eternally and recklessly by your Father in heaven, and in this perfect love all your fears are casted away!

Your favorite Gospel Writer.

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Ojei Favour (The Gospel Writer)
Ojei Favour (The Gospel Writer)

My name is Ojei Favour also known as GospelWriter. I am a dedicated and committed lover of God, passionate about the Truth in God's word and my heart desire is for many come to the knowledge of the Truth, which is Jesus, the Son of God. I'm also a 300 Level student of the University of Nigeria,Enugu Campus, a student leader, a teacher, a Writer and a drama Minister.
