HELLO 2021

HELLO 2021
Jan 15th 2021 by Crystal Ifesinachi.

Welcome! 💋

It’s the first post in 2021 and I’m excited! Our year of #RootingUp. I want to say thank you again for staying with us in 2020. TYB team says thank you❤️.

I’m sure you already have an understanding of what our year theme means. If you don’t, check out our Facebook and Instagram page for better understanding. Let’s dive right into what we have for you this month, shall we?

Who was I?

Let me start by telling you who I thought I was or who I was; rejected, broken, not deserving of genuine Love, bastard, never enough, abandoned etc. I was a Tom boy, I hated to be reminded of my background so I stayed around people that always looked like their life was perfect. I wallowed in this identity for long. The circumstances surrounding my birth and upbringing is not one to boast about and it ate me deep. I was different, not in a good way, I was what they call “the black sheep”.


An identity is something that speaks for you even before you speak for yourself. An Identity card is an example. However there’s an identity that sticks in your mind that doesn’t need to be published or printed out yet it affects every single thing about you; your words, actions and behavior.

Who Am I Now?

Thank God for my mom. She sat me down and told me who I really am from God’s Word! She simply replaced what I ‘thought’ with what God ‘thinks’ of me.

You see, most of the times we’ve let our identity be defined by what people think of us and say to us. Yes, I watched people call me an unwanted child to my face. I let it sink in my mind thereby affecting everything I do.


Here was the breakthrough for me lying in God’s word. Surrounding myself with people that thinks of me the way God thinks of me (this is very important).

My identity changed when I let Jesus tell me who I am and believe Him with all my heart through His Word. All you need to know who you truly are is to accept the Love of Jesus for you on the cross of calvary then believe every word Jesus says about you in His word. You’ll definitely become what it talks about!


This is just an introduction to what we will be bringing your way this month. Sit tight! Love ya! 💕

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