4 Things You Must Know Before You Say 'I Love You Too'
Finally! A balance for the previous post I wrote for the guys on 5 Things You Must Know Before You Say 'I Love You' . Here's one too for my ladies as well. How are you doing today? I know fine. I know you are but....
wait lady!! Before you say it, just scroll down
Woman Know Thyself”: I call it the “WKTS code”. Funny but this is the very first thing we owe ourselves and our future as ladies. It’s not enough to love yourself rather it’s expedient(urgent and Important) you know (explore, discover) yourself!!. I’ve seen and read of ladies that discovered themselves and still make reference to it as a turning point in their lives. Example is Michelle Obama; I think you need to read her book titled “Becoming” it’ll bless you trust me. Click HERE to get a copy of the book.
Discovering yourself as a lady is not a waste of your time, it’s an investment you are making for Life! It helps you know who you want as man or what you want in a relationship. It really does help so you don’t just fall for whoever shows little care to you.
Proverbs chapter 5 (MSG translation) verse 6 is my emphasis
2. Have a Plan/Focus/Goal for your life; Even Solomon the wisest man on Earth advises men not to have anything to do with a vision less lady/woman. Don’t let what you’ve been given by God die because you are waiting for a man to sweep you off your feet. Work on yourself, have a life! So you can even know when someone that’s not right for you comes your way. If all you want to do is to be successful and relevant then there’s no way you’ll accommodate a man that is reluctant and lazy towards life and his goals. It’s a principle of life. So dear young girl, get vision of where and who you want to be and get to work, as for the your right man? He’ll surely come around.
P . S: I am by no means encouraging feminism or over ambitiousness but I am a huge advocate of doing what you were born to do, what you put your mind to achieve.
3. Have Values and principles; this is a major requirement every lady should have. If you don’t have this there’s no way you’ll discern a man who respects and values you. Have moral values, inculcate biblical principles. I’d recommend you read proverbs 31. Thank me later. Lastly...
4. You should know Your Creator and Live for your Creator: Notice I didn’t just say you must be born again(it’s the first step actually). Have a personal knowledge of God, who is “LOVE”. If you don’t know God(love) you can’t love right, you shouldn’t just say “I love you too” to any guy that tells you “he loves you”. It’s in submitting to God that your values change and your principles become clearer.
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I'm a lady on a mission. I love Jesus.. And I'm all about who you are than what you do.